Saturday, April 4, 2009

Research question

Question: Media help increase HIV testing?

The media nowadays have a lot of influence on people. The media can make people change their minds on what they view things.

Survey the people that have HIV and ask if they were tested because of the media. Take the media of promoting HIV testing on commercials, radios, newspapers, etc. and see if it makes a difference. Take a few people and separate into different groups and show them different videos on HIV testing. These few methods might work to find the results, but mostly likely surveying the people who have taken the HIV testing and ask what made them do it.


  1. i think that not only survays come out of this but sudgestion aswell. i agree that the media has alot of information and tips on pro-health and getting these sort of tests. its obviously up to the one with HIV wheather or not to get testsed. most dont know the signs or why they should be afraid. the media helps us to understand public opinion. most HIV commercials or adds are convincing enough that it will inspire those with HIV to go out and get tested.
    the media also kepps those with HIV calm by having people like Magic Johnson to let the world know the advances in curing or the proper steps to living with HIV. this sort of thing can be very reassuring for anyone who thinks they are suffering alone.

    - Brian Patierno

  2. I agree with both of you guys that media is a big factor and also with surveys too can make people wonder if something is not going right. Some people they just have to start have any symptoms to go to the doctor and later on find out what they have. I think that the right way is to have a schedule just for you and say every six months let’s say I will be going to the doctor for a checkup. From the media today there some interesting advertisements that people learn more and more every day about health and how important it is. When I was 15 years old I remember at school we had this big day dedicated to HIV that all this people had all this speeches and children had all this presentation all around the school that all we had to do all day was to look around get information and make our own based of what we learned that day!!! I remember just what my favorite teacher told me when I had in my paper which was A she said you have to be listening and watching what’s going on around you, and make yourself be responsible especially for your health. Lastly, yes everything today can be cure (not always) with a lot different hard ways, but the only thing that matters is how the steps (from the first to the last) that made you feel like and who was right there with you!!! And help you feel better!!
